Cyclic hydrogen consumption is key to obtaining optimal efficiency
Depending on the person and their diet, the gut bacteria that ferment fiber produce approximately 2.5 gallons of hydrogen gas per day, which is part of the therapeutic benefits of fiber. From an evolutionary perspective, we have always been exposed to hydrogen gas.
These data alone are indications of its safety. “Anyone can consume it: pregnant women, children, everyone. Hydrogen gas is very safe in itself. Since the 1940s it has been used for deep-sea diving to prevent decompression syndrome," LeBaron says.
(Normally, helium is used, but for very deep dives, hydrogen gas is used, such as hydrox, which is 96% hydrogen.)
Now, if hydrogen gas is so beneficial, and your body already produces a lot of it, why would consuming hydrogen-rich water still be therapeutic, if you get much smaller amounts of hydrogen this way?
Interestingly, a study from Nagoya University showed that while continuous administration of airborne hydrogen was not effective in preventing Parkinson's disease, intermittent exposure was. However, the best effects were obtained by drinking hydrogen-rich water.
What is it about cyclical or intermittent exposure (versus continuous) that makes a big difference? LeBaron explains:
“It appears to be more like a gaseous signal modulator. The way a signal modulator works is that you must have this type of exposure intermittently, or else it will habituate and as a result the signal will attenuate.
That's what we observed with hydrogen gas... it modulates gene expression, protein phosphorylation and many factors of transcription, but the main objectives remain elusive.
Clinically, molecular hydrogen has also been shown to offer excellent benefits. More research is always needed, but there are some solid studies showing its safety and effectiveness.
[In one study] they included 50 patients with cerebral infarction; 25 [received] hydrogen by inhalation and 25 in the control group [received] an approved medical medication… [H]ydrogen was significantly more effective than the medication in all measured parameters, with no side effects.
Again, the reason why I am so passionate about hydrogen is because it is a simple, safe molecule, easy to administer, and it actually has very important therapeutic potential.
There was only one other study published on…Alzheimer's disease. If we look at the genome, those with the APOE4 genotype are susceptible to Alzheimer's disease...
When we looked at the effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water… it was found to be considerably therapeutic for this disease. "This is important because there are no approved medications that are effective for Alzheimer's disease."